The flight time from Kahului to Los Angeles is 5 hours, 8 minutes. See Data as Tables

Average Timeline

Leaves OGG Kahului, HI 3 minutes early.
12 minutes taxiing out
4 hours, 44 minutes in the air
9 minutes taxiing in
Arrives LAX Los Angeles, CA 12 minutes early.

Flight Reliability By Airline ?


Flight Summary

The flight time from Kahului to Los Angeles is 5 hours, 8 minutes. The time spent in the air is 4 hours, 44 minutes.

The flight distance from Kahului to Los Angeles is 2486 Miles.

Reverse Journey

Los Angeles to Kahului
5 hours, 40 minutes

Flight Time By Airline ?

5h 1m
5h 2m
5h 8m
5h 11m
5h 11m
5h 12m
Taxiing Out
Air Time
Taxiing In

Flight Time by Time of Day ?

Taxiing Out
Air Time
Taxiing In

Flights By Time of Day ?


Flights Per Week



2486 Miles

Flights By Month ?


Flights By Day of Week ?


Flights By Airline ?
(Per Week)


Frequently Asked Questions

How far is Kahului from Los Angeles by plane?

The distance from Kahului to Los Angeles by plane is 2486 Miles. This is the air distance on the most direct route taken by the vast majority of flights.

How long is the flight from Kahului to Los Angeles?

The flight time from Kahului to Los Angeles is 5 hours, 8 minutes. The time spent in the air is 4 hours, 44 minutes. These numbers are averages. In reality, it varies by airline with Southwest being the fastest taking 5 hours, 1 minute, and United the slowest taking 5 hours, 12 minutes.

What airlines fly from Kahului to Los Angeles?

American, Alaska, United, Hawaiian, Delta, and Southwest are the airlines with direct flights from Kahului to Los Angeles.

Does Southwest fly from Kahului to Los Angeles?

Yes! Southwest does fly from Kahului (OGG) to Los Angeles (LAX). On average, they have 3 flights per week on this route. This may vary seasonally, please check the chart above for more details.

Tables and Explanations

Data Source

Our information is computed from the latest available data from the US Department of Transportation.

Average Timeline Timeline Chart

The average timeline contains the median time a flight spends in 3 stages. The first of these three stages is taxiing out which includes the time from the flight leaving the gate to taking off. The second stage is in the air, which includes the time spent from the flight leaving the ground to touching back down at the end of it's journey. The last stage is taxiing in, which is from when the flight touches down to the flight arriving at it's gate.

The average timeline also estimates on average of when the flight will leave and arrive relative to it's stated departure time.

Leaves Kahului 3 minutes early
Taxi Out Time 12 minutes
In the Air 284 minutes
Taxiing In 9 minutes
Arrives Los Angeles 12 minutes early

Flight Reliability Reliability Chart

The reliability of an airline measures how often the airline's flights on this route are cancelled or delayed more than 20 minutes. For example, from Kahului to Los Angeles, Delta is 94% reliable, which means that Delta flights are on time 94% of the time, and cancelled or delayed the remaining time.

Airline Normal Flights Arrival Delayed* Flight Cancelled
Delta 94% 5% 1%
Southwest 93% 7% 0%
United 90% 9% 1%
American 87% 12% 1%
Alaska 87% 11% 2%
Hawaiian 84% 15% 1%

Flight Time By Airline Flight Time By Airline Chart

Each airline takes a different amount of time to fly between Kahului and Los Angeles, this is due to different operational factors on the ground, as well as scheduling of planes. Each airline's flight time is split into three stages which are described above in the "Average Timeline" section. There are also miscellaneous operational issues which are included in the below total but are not accounted for in one of the three stages.

Airline Taxiing Out
In the Air
Taxiing In
Southwest 11 281 6 301
Hawaiian 11 280 10 302
Delta 12 284 9 308
American 12 285 10 311
Alaska 16 285 9 311
United 13 289 9 312

Flights By Time of Day Flight Time By Day Chart

This one is pretty self explanatory, it represents the number of flights that leave the gate in a given hour of the day. The tricky thing here is that this is normally not a whole number since it is an average over 52 weeks. Partial numbers may indicate that a flight may be seasonal or may take off at different times due to different operational factors.

Time Count
9am 0.03
11pm 0.09
11am 0.25
4pm 0.02
1pm 1.87
12pm 0.52
9pm 0.73
2pm 1.2
3pm 0.37
8pm 0.45
10pm 0.3

Flights By Month Flights By Month Chart

The quantity of flights from Kahului to Los Angeles that take off in a given month of the year. This number changes because some flights are seasonal, and almost all flights have uneven demand througout the year.

Month Count
January 168
February 140
March 156
April 165
May 168
June 185
July 221
August 275
September 149
October 168
November 162
December 193

Flights By Day Of Week Flights By Day of Week Chart

The quantity of flights from Kahului to Los Angeles that take off on a given day of the week. Some routes only have enough demand to sustain a few trips a week, while others have many flights a day. This number is also an average across the year, and hence may not be a whole number.

Day Count
Monday 5.58
Tuesday 5.77
Wednesday 5.52
Thursday 6.02
Friday 5.73
Saturday 6.75
Sunday 5.98

Flight per Airline (per Week) Flights By Airline Chart

How many times an airline flies this route in a week. Different factors play into how often a carrier chooses to fly a given route including it's need to connect disparate routes, and demand.

Airline Flights per Week
Delta 0
American 0
United 0
Hawaiian 0
Southwest 0
Alaska 0

Flight Time By Time of Day Flight Time by Time of Day Chart

The total flight time varies by each hour of the day due to factors such as airport traffic. More flights leaving an airport may cause higher taxi in or taxi out times. See the description of the average timeline above for a deeper discussion of each of these times.

Time Taxi Out
In the Air
Taxi In
9am 16 280 8 307
11pm 11 277 9 298
11am 15 288 8 312
4pm 13 269 9 293
1pm 12 287 10 312
12pm 12 285 9 307
9pm 12 285 8 306
2pm 13 281 8 304
3pm 11 287 10 310
8pm 13 284 9 308
10pm 12 278 8 300
* Delayed more than 20 minutes.
All data above is a median or mean as appropriate.